
Showing posts from August 24, 2021

Homeownership Cycle and Inventory

An interesting homeownership cycle begins with a starter home and progresses to larger and smaller homes throughout a person's lifetime.   Within a few years after purchasing their initial home, they might move up to a little larger house.   The reasons could be that they simply want a larger home and can afford it, or their increased family size may be motivating the move. While the children are small, they can probably get by with less space but as they grow and behave more like adults, even though they may not be, the need for more room becomes more pressing.   Depending on the size of the family, this will last some time and then, as they go off to college, enter the work force and find their own living space, the parents may find that they no longer need the larger home.   In the interest of saving money or possibly convenience, they migrate from a larger home to a smaller home until they consider an assisted living facility or possibly, a nursing home.   Another alternati