
Showing posts from February 18, 2017


After a prolonged personal battle against Toronto City Hall's attempt to increase the dreaded and disliked  LAND TRANSFER TAX , I am defeated. As are all those who fought this fight. And to no or little avail! Well, I believe there was a small victory in among all the defeat. Namely, City Hall increased the rebate to first time home buyers (provided that they are Canadian Citizens or Landed Immigrants) as follows:   Increasing the maximum allowed First-Time Home Buyer Rebate to $4,475, up from $3,725. Well...I guess humbleness or humility, or some such thing, in defeat must prevail. I mean, it's not like my country just elected Donald Trump and I have to live with that. Or wait a minute! My country did not elect Mr. Trump -- nor did most of the planet -- yet we all have to live with that! Damn! "How to coexist, after defeat, with citizens whose views you despise. Democracy means  a ccepting shocking outcomes."  - Updated by   Melissa ...