A much-repeated investment strategy is to buy low and sell high. Some people who purchased around the financial crisis of 2010-2012 are poised to make considerable profits. The median home price in America is now $295,300 up from $155,600 in February 2012 which calculates close to an 8% annual increase. The median equity that homeowners have earned during the same period is $140,000. Inventory is in short supply while demand is high which has caused prices to increase. Factors that continue to contribute to the lower number of homes on the market are record low mortgage rates and housing starts have not met expectations since the Great Recession. This year, people spending more time at home due to the pandemic has caused some people to rethink their current living space which has added to the demand. Some experts believe that a significant portion of the workforce will continue to work from home after the pandemic has passed making the motivation for a ...